Private use vehicles with verification hologram 00 and 0, pink gum, license plate ending 7 and 8 will not be able to circulate this Tuesday the 14th in the Valley of Mexico.
MEXICO CITY (apro).- This Monday, May 13, the Environmental Commission of the Megalopolis activated Phase I of Environmental Contingency due to ozone in the Metropolitan Zone of the Valley of Mexico, so there will be restrictions such as the Double Today No Circula.
According to CAMe, maximum ozone concentrations of 156 ppb were recorded at the UAM Iztapalapa (UIZ) monitoring station, located in the Mayor’s Office of Iztapalapa.
- Avoid doing civic, cultural and recreational activities, as well as avoid exercising outdoors between 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
- Suspend any outdoor activity, organized by public or private institutions, between 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
- It is recommended to postpone outdoor, sporting, cultural events or mass shows, scheduled between 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
- It is recommended not to smoke, especially in closed spaces.
- Stay informed about air quality with the “Aire” App, on the website, on X (Twitter) @Aire_CDMX or by calling 5552789931 ext. 1.
Emissions reduction
It is recommended:
- Facilitate and continue remote work and carry out purchases and procedures online to reduce travel.
- Avoid the use of flavorings, aerosols, paints, waterproofing products or products containing solvents.
- Refill gasoline after 6:00 p.m. and before 10:00 a.m.; Do not add fuel after the fuel nozzle lock is released.
- Check and repair leaks in domestic gas installations.
- Reduce fuel use at home, shortening shower time to a maximum of five minutes and when cooking, use containers with lids.
Restrictions on circulation in the Transport Sector
Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 14, they must suspend their circulation, from 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.:
- Private use vehicles with verification hologram 2.
- Private use vehicles with verification hologram 1, whose last numerical digit is 0, 2, 4, 6, 7 and 8.
- Private use vehicles with verification hologram 00 and 0, pink sticker, plate finish 7 and 8.
- Units that do not carry a verification hologram, such as old, demonstration or transfer vehicles, new ones, those with a tourist pass, foreign plates or with plates formed by letters, apply the same restriction as to vehicles that carry hologram 2.
- Restriction on the circulation of 50% of LP gas distribution units to stationary tanks, which do not have a dry disconnection valve, whose registration termination is PAR
- Local or federal cargo vehicles stop circulating between 6:00 and 10:00 a.m., with the exception of those that are in the CDMX or EDOMEX Self-Regulation Program.
- Taxis with verification hologram “00”, “0”, “1” or “2” that must stop circulating in accordance with the provisions indicated in sections 1), 2), and 3), will have the restriction applied to them. circulation from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
- Electric and hybrid vehicles, in addition, those that have an ecological license plate or exempt type hologram.
- Vehicles that carry a valid “00” or “0” hologram, regardless of their use, regardless of the state where they are registered, may circulate if they have stickers other than pink and finish with license plates 7 and 8.
- Vehicles for private use intended in manifest and urgent circumstances, to attend to a medical emergency.
- Taxis can circulate from 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on days when they are restricted by the Hoy No Circula Program, regardless of the hologram they carry, in order to support the mobility of the population.
- Urban service vehicles, intended to provide emergency services, medical emergencies, health, public safety, firefighters, rescue, civil protection, environmental surveillance and water supply.
- School and staff transportation vehicles that comply with current vehicle verification specifications and have the corresponding hologram and authorization.
- Vehicles intended for funeral processions and transportation of funeral services, which have a current verification hologram.
- Vehicles for people with disabilities that have the Permit to exempt the Today Not Circulating Due to Disability, the Disability Hologram, or license plate for people with disabilities according to the corresponding entity.
- Transportation of waste and hazardous materials that have the corresponding authorization, except vehicles that transport fuels (gasoline, diesel and LP gas).
- Vehicles identified with a public passenger and tourism service circulation card (vans, minibuses and buses) with a federal or local license plate, which comply with current verification provisions.
- Vehicles that transport goods or perishable products in units with refrigeration systems, as well as concrete mixing units.
- Motorcycles are exempt from Phase I
Federal and local industry restrictions
- Fixed sources of the manufacturing industry under federal or local jurisdiction that have processes that generate ozone precursors will reduce 40% of their emissions of ozone precursors, and must also suspend maintenance, cleaning and degreasing activities that generate fugitive VOC emissions. .
- The “Miguel Hidalgo” Refinery in Tula, Hidalgo, will not operate at more than 75% of the total process capacity, reducing the combustion capacity in direct-fired heaters and boilers in process and power plants.
- 30% reduction in fuel oil consumption at the “Francisco Pérez Ríos” Thermoelectric Power Plant in Tula, Hidalgo.
- Suspend combustion activities related to the firing of brick, ceramics and foundry in artisanal kilns.
Restrictions on Services
- Suspend activities that generate fugitive emissions into the air due to the use of solvents and coatings in businesses and services (for example, use of thinner, turpentine, paint, lacquer, varnish, ink or other type of solvent-based coating)
- Suspend activities in establishments that use wood or charcoal as fuel and that do not have emissions control equipment.
- Suspend activities in 20% of the carburetion stations, except those that have dry disconnection valves, as appropriate to the integration of the groups determined by ASEA. Phase I applies for Group 3.
- Suspend activities in 20% of the LP gas distribution plants, except those that have dry disconnection valves for fuel transfer, filling of tank trucks and filling of cylinders, as appropriate to the integration of the groups determined by ASEA. Phase I applies for Group 3.
- Suspend maintenance, repair and transfer tasks that involve the release of hydrocarbons into the atmosphere, with the exception of those carried out in the event of an emergency or accident at LPG and oil storage plants.
- Suspend the operation of service stations (gas stations) by 20%, except those that have a vapor recovery system, with a minimum efficiency of 90%, in accordance with the latest current operating opinion and the integration of the groups determined by ASEA. Phase I applies for Group 3.
- Reduce by 50% the operation of boilers that do not have ozone precursor emissions control systems in businesses and services, with the exception of hospitals.
Measures and actions by the government:
- Health authorities within the scope of their powers will disseminate health protection recommendations.
- Restrict the circulation of all official vehicles for administrative use in the offices of the three levels of government, with the exception of hybrid or electric, emergency, surveillance and urban services vehicles.
- Strengthen the detection and sanction of obviously polluting vehicles, vehicles without verification or that circulate on the wrong day.
- Prohibit the burning of materials and waste, including those carried out for training and education.
- Intensify surveillance and fire fighting in agricultural and forestry areas.
- Suspend maintenance activities on the urban infrastructure of the corresponding local government that generate fugitive emissions of volatile organic compounds, use of solvents, application of paint, patching, paving, among others, with the exception of those that address urgent repairs.
- Suspend works that obstruct or hinder traffic, with the exception of those that address urgent repairs
- The federal environmental authorities will act within the framework of their respective powers, with the objective of contributing to the reduction of emissions into the atmosphere in the ZMVM.
Private use vehicles with verification hologram 2.
Private use vehicles with verification hologram 1, whose last numerical digit is 0, 2, 4, 6, 7 and 8.
Private use vehicles with verification hologram 00 and 0, pink sticker, plate finish 7 and 8.