Sources consulted by Proceso assured that Norma Piña summoned electoral magistrates in search of a smooth transition in the Electoral Court, but no one knows who invited the national leader of the PRI, Alejandro Moreno.
MEXICO CITY (apro).– In the meeting that the minister president of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), Norma Piña, called the magistrates of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF), there was no The attendance of the national leader of the PRI, Alejandro “Alito” Moreno, is contemplated.
Sources consulted by Process confirmed the holding of the dinner between the minister president and the electoral magistrates in December of last year, after the resignation of Reyes Rodríguez Mondragón as president of the Superior Chamber of the TEPJF and the election of Mónica Soto in her place.
According to the sources consulted, the meeting was called by Piña Hernández through WhatsApp messages with the aim of carrying out a smooth transition within the TEPJF, in view of the June 2 elections.
Contrary to what was reported in the media, the dinner was not held at the home of Minister Juan Luis González Alcántara Carrancá, nor was it attended by another member of the Plenary Court other than the Minister President, Norma Piña.
According to confirmed information, the presence of “Alito” Moreno was not required by the minister-president, who was even surprised by his attendance, however, up to now it is unknown who summoned the leader of the tricolor.
On December 19, 2024, Proceso reported that the internal crisis of the TEPJF was evident on December 4, when the then presiding judge Rodríguez Mondragón gave his annual work report in a solemn plenary session of the court, the Supreme Court and the Council of the Federal Judiciary (CJF).
Only one electoral magistrate, Janine Otálora Malassis, attended the event, while the other three (Mónica Soto, Felipe Fuentes and Felipe de la Mata) boasted on social networks that they went to have breakfast at a restaurant in Mexico City.
In a private hearing on December 5, the three magistrates who were missing from the work report held a private hearing with the presiding magistrate, whom they indicated that they did not agree with his jurisdictional criteria and some administrative decisions, for which they demanded his resignation.
Rodríguez Mondragón proposed that they request the intervention of Minister Norma Piña to resolve the conflict, as happened in August 2021, when the electoral magistrates managed to get the president of the TEPJF, now a retired magistrate, José Luis Vargas, to resign from his position.
Mónica Soto, Felipe de la Mata and Felipe Fuentes refused to go to Court and issued an ultimatum to Rodríguez Mondragón so that on December 7, 2024 he would make known his decision to resign.
That December 5, Mónica Soto had been invited by the presiding minister of the Court to discuss the internal conflict of the TEPJF, but the judge declined the invitation and, on the contrary, decided to meet with Morena’s representative at the INE.
On December 7 at 5:00 p.m., the Superior Chamber met and at the end, Rodríguez Mondragón asked his colleagues for more time to decide on his possible resignation and promised to make his position known on Monday, December 11.
The Superior Chamber agreed to a recess to debate whether the announcement would be in a public session or by another means, but both Reyes Rodríguez and Janine Otálora left the judicial premises without reaching any agreement with their colleagues.
This caused the three remaining magistrates to publicly resume a meeting to issue critical statements towards the presiding magistrate, whom they reproached for his intention to request intervention from the presiding minister, Norma Piña.
On December 11, through a statement, Reyes Rodríguez announced that he would not resign his position as president yet and, later, together with the three dissident judges, they stated that they would resume the session from December 7 until the 18th of the same month. since Judge Janine Otálora was out of the country on commission.
However, that Monday night Reyes Rodríguez Mondragón resigned from his position and Mónica Soto was appointed in his place.